
There are three steps for setting up the Analytic Bridge plugin.

  1. Create a Google Developer project
  2. Connect the Analytic Bridge to Google's APIs
  3. Connecting a Google Analytics Profile

Networks only need to complete step 1 and 2 once. Each blog on the network must complete step 3.

1. Create a Google Developer project

To allow Google to monitor usage on its API, every call must be authenticated with a Client Secret and Client ID. No special account is necessary for this.

Log into and create a new project for the plugin. Name the project something like "Analytic Bridge."


Under APIs & auth, click "APIs". Find the Analytics API and enable it.


Under APIs & auth, click "Credentials." From here click "Create new Client ID."


Use "Web application" for the Application type, and click "Configure Consent Screen".


Enter a product name and other optional pieces of the consent screen. No need for advanced configuration — only one user will ever authenticate the app per site.

When you're done, save consent screen options.

On the next screen, enter an "Authorized redirect URIs" in the format:

If you're installing the Analytic Bridge on a network of sites, every subdomain and custom URL on the network must be defined on additional lines.


Google should provide a Client ID and Client Secret on the next screen. Save these around for the next step.

2. Connect the Analytic Bridge to Google's API

Depending on whether your blog is a network or single site, input the Client Secret and Client ID on the appropriate options page.

For Networks: If you are the Site Administor of a network, paste the values from step one into the Network Options page for the Analytic Bridge.


For Single Sites: If you do not have a WordPress network install (or are not an administor of your network), enter the values from step one on the options page for the Analytic Bridge (Settings > Analytic Bridge).


3. Connecting a Google Profile

  • Find the profile id that corresponds to the Google Analytics table tracking your site, and save it in Property View ID. This should be in the format ga:xxxxxxx

  • Assuming steps one and two are valid a "connect" link should become available at the bottom of the page. Use this button to authorize a Google account with permissions to the Property View you are attempting to pull data from.